A Little Dalai Lama: A Heartwarming Encounter on a Frankfurt Train

2011 Frankfurt Airport railway station. I enter my train home from a business trip. In a fast train I found a seat at a table, opposite me a little boy 4 years, curiously reading a children’s explaining magazine. He wanted to know so much and asked his mother “holes in the belly” as we say in Germany. I was very surprised how precisely the little boy could formulate his questions and he did not let up. His mother was tired, so the boy asked me, and I done my best to answer his questions.
Finally, I got into conversation with his mother. We just returned from Tibet, she said. She is German and the father Tibetan (he slept at the table opposite the floor). She was the only German woman give birth to a child in Tibet, she said.
To this so amazingly eloquent little Dalai Lama, i never forget.

This is a litte excerpt from Kindle eBook „Walk On: As you are today“ be free to read the description (4000 chars) of my encouraging book written with heart, brain and a pinch of humor, and my unique Author’s profile.